red dead rps

Laws is my one rdo oc; he's an alternate version of Laws Sullivan, one of the main characters from my western series Buffalo Shells--they're vastly different from eachother in all but name. The red dead online iteration of Laws is from Butcher's Creek originally, but joined the Van der Lindes after a dehabilitating injury from an encounter with the Murfree Brood (see more of the specifics under the oc lore dropdown).

I play a lot of red dead online and am saving up for a gaming PC so that I can roleplay as my oc with other people on custom rp servers! Some of Thomas Middleditch's rdo roleplay videos really made me want to get back into it and return to improvised, collaborative online rp. If that ever does happen, I'd love to document summaries and screenshots of online roleplays/campaigns, too!

(I'd also like to get into modding rdr2 for the purpose of custom skins and screenshots).

note: I am not overly concerned with canon compliance when it comes to writing personal fic about my oc and his involvement with canon characters; if that is bothersome then maybe don't read.

currently working on:

• write-ups for the oc lore tab!
• several oneshots!