here's to 27 years of existence! (6/20/2024-ish)

27 doesn't feel any different from 26, but it's still worth celebrating. My grandmother hosted my birthday dinner at her house, where we had potato casserole, some grilled steaks, and some whiskey/bourbon cut with coke. My dad wasn't thrilled with the quality of the steaks. He said something about how they were a bit tough and had too much of fat and gristle, but honestly I have so little beef at home so it tasted more than fine to me. They get their supply from their neighbor—a beef farmer across the road--and the so-called low quality beef is still better than store-bought.

I also paid very close attention to my mother's process in making the potato casserole. I will attempt it again in a half-size casserole dish once I have the chance to go to the store. If it turns out, I'll put it in under the recipe entries so others can enjoy as well.

I also had a lot of time to think. Productive thinking rather than the anxious thinking that is so typically me. I thought a bit about the website and what I want for it. I thought a lot more about my art and about how to stop overthinking about it. Basically, I'm trying to come up with ways to unlearn a lot of what I learned as part of my art major, and part of my unlearning has involved trying to re-establish what I want from my art rather than what anyone else wants (art profs especially).

But I'll spare the details of all that for another time.
